Monday, July 02, 2007


A century or more ago, a few women and men, stood up against the society and their ways and made important statements. Strived a lot and conseqeuently was persecuted a lot for all their efforts at making our lives better, for making us the see the truth. For today we no longer have to live in a world of Sati, heretic or even a society where african americans aren't allowed into restaurants or other social places.

No matter how much we try to run or try to supress, the truth is always exactly what it is, the truth. Hides in the veil of lies, pretending not to know or pretending to helpless, we all do. After all we all expect somebody tomorrow will make it right, but at the same time hoping that it wouldn't upset anyone. Unfortunately, to move the earth you need to shake the ground and make the ocean shudder and do it today, not tomorrow, for it never comes.

Such gigantic movements are important in the timeline of life. No matter how hard its criticized, over time it gives society at large a pill, which eradicates the wrong, makes the light be seen, makes life better. Today, Sati is detested and deplored. The very mention of such words cause people to be up in arms. But the very same fact of life, around 100-150 years ago was an accepted ritual of India life. People like Raja Rama Mohan Roy had to endure the rebukes and the alientation of society. But thankfully to their divine powers to forsee what most couldn't realize and push for such reforms that our lives are ten fold better than what once was.

Come the protests, the burning of effigies or even the calling of religious gods to bring hell, we need to push for such important statements in life, to wake up the society, open their eyes to their mistakes and errors of their ways. For someday these important moments will stir a nation to wake up, will make for a better and brighter future.

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