Monday, February 19, 2007

An Adventure

If everyone wants to go to heaven, why is everyone afraid of death!!!!

I sometimes think, what lies ahead. After today, after tommorrow and sometimes maybe even after death. Death is inevitable, but its amazing that we go on. We know that we're fragile, that it takes nothing to end anyone life. Funny. We build mansions, buy fancy cars, want to've huge bank balances, but the moment you die, does it matter. Whether you're poor or rich, you've to die and go wherever is that you're headed without what you've bought/stolen or earned. And despite all this we still keep on going, keep on living. Is it because we realise that there is life beyond today or tommorrow. Or is it because we don't think all that much in the 1st place to be bothered about things like that. I don't know.

But I know, we all want to live and would take every single chance to live it, every single chance to hang on to it. I don't know what lies ahead, somedays at night I sit and wonder all this. Where does this road lead to, after all, there is a destination. I wonder If I'll be rich, if I'll marry the girl I love, if I would've kids, If I'll be somebody tommorrow, and then I wonder what after all this ends... What after it..What??

My girl says that there has to be more to life, that even after death there has to be something, otherwise its a pointless life. But I'm a skeptic of that view, not because I don't want it to happen, but because How can we be sure? Could this just be a joke, yeah you live and then you die and thats it. Goodbye..finito..What if, this is a test, only those who clear this round make it to the next...Our entires life is based on this idea, Survive, live on..move on...And what if at the final step, its an deadend...No More!!!!!!!!! What if??

I wonder....And thats the beauty of life...Like Sting once said, the only thing certain in life is death!!!!

Till then...Live On!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Where're we going?

Sometimes, I wonder; will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other?

Do you ever wonder that? I do...I do...

Maybe there were battles, a million years ago

Maybe millions were killed,maybe kingdoms were fought over

Maybe we were all immoral then

But that doesn't make it any more right today, does it

Why do we lead lives of desires and fantasies,

where we don't even know people who work in our own floor

where we have to always pretend, to your bosses, to your collegues

when obvious things're stated, a great furore is created

where we say we fight wars to find peace,

where we place guns in childrens hands

where we devote millions to actors, muscians, drugs , alcohol

but can't devote a coin to the poor man on the street

A person who speaks his mind is a fool

A person who is good, is looked upon with evil intentions

Where we fight on everything

Caste, Religion, State, Water, Land

Where newspapers and channels break news..

news that worth crap on the road,

Why do I need to live this sort of life?

Maybe Someday I'll break out!!!Break out to the open world....Someday..

And then god will Forgive!!!!


I earn a salary, I think a good salary. Go to a pub, have a few drinks. Maybe I'm a litte high. Maybe..

But as you look around, you find a lot of youngsters(college/IT), enjoying & having a good time. And then you see...You see an ordinary guy, who has to wear a dress because his boss demands him to, he has to go around serving the beer, if he gets an order wrong, he gets the ire from the customer and then his boss, he has to jostle through the crowd carrying a plate full of drinks, he comes serves us, never complains. And then you wonder there, how much does this bloke get? Maximum 1000-5000 bucks a month, for all his hardwork, for all his dedication from morning to late night, 7 days a week. And then you sit and ask yourself about your salary, for all the work you don't do, for all the perks that you get, flexible times, free coffees, a good bench, team lunches, team dinners, parties, you get a good salary and I still complain that they don't pay enough. I jump companies, get hikes, get cars, get houses, get married...

And then you go back to the Pub, you still find that guy carrying around the drinks, getting the same salary, get the ire of everybody....And then you ask yourself, How much Do I get and how much more do you want? Probably your monthy salary is his yearly...maybe Less...But tommorrow I'll ask for more!!!!!

Growing Up

When you're young, you sit and wonder I cant wait to be old and to have this or do this or that and then you get old and you hope that you can be young again to not to do the things that you do today or to have this or that. The big difference in both the thoughts is that, in the former it will inevitably come while in the latter it will never be ever again be a part of your life. And it is that thought that I somehow can never escape and will escape I guess..

Recently I went back to school, went around 4-5, knowing none of the teachers would be around. Just wanted to be around the place, revisit all memories. God I miss them so much, that somedays I just wish that I could somehow get out of the life that I live today. I know its foolish and that those days are gone and will never be back. But as I stood through the corridors of my school, at the doors, the playgrounds, the classrooms, the blackboards, benches(Infact one of the benches, still had the remains of some of the art work we had done), you just couldn't help feeling at that moment that you're stuck in a place which you want, buy you won't get, you won't live again here

But then if everything is black or white, things would've been soo much more simpler in life, wouldn't it. But unfortunately it isn't. All you can do is rememember those memories, yes you've to move on and I will as everyone does. Live today, dream about tommorrow and nostalgicaly think about yesterday.

There are no solutions here, neither are there any problems, just an nostalgic guy..who seems to take forever to get over them...


This is a blog, a new beginning. I truely believe this a Second Coming for me. This was the old me, this was the me that I lost. And I want it back. Similar words have been mentioned before, but not any more are they just words to say. Read On!!!!!!!!