Sunday, June 10, 2007

Doing the Right Thing

Its funny.. We always know what the right thing is, but we seldom do it...

Today evening, I was out on Brigade Road, was about to head back home. Then I thought, why not go to the pub & have some beer and head back home. Then I thought I should curb on having beer, so I thought I would get to Corner House and have one of their delicious Ice Cream. But then I thought I should cut down on my ice cream. For nearly twenty minutes, I was in dilemma, I knew doing that I would regret it, but somehow the temptation was a bit too much. I didnt know what to do, whether to go to Corner House or go to Pub World or just head back home. Even though I knew that doing any of that wouldn't be good, I still wanted to. Even though I knew this, I still was in a dilemma. Luckily for me I decided against either and headed back home and wrote this blog..

But very often most of us dont do that. We do the wrong things even though we know we shouldn't. We always believe tomorrow will be the day when we set things set right, but never does tomorrow turn up. Its about now or never. And that is the Right Choice...You Hate it but you know its right...If you're able to listen to it, well and good...If you can't, try to once in a while, you'll be more happier, maybe not that moment but a later stage down the road


Athira said...

:) very true... hard to control temptations then and there. If u did, a big boost and tht wud be sufficient to keep ur control for the rest of ur life ;)

Achilles said...

not wht i expected from u
after i read through the first paragraph i thought u might have ended up having death bite choclate with beer poured on top
but u broke all my expectations
when we put a control on ur temptations, ur needs & desires u become less of human & more of a machine controlled by rules & guidelines
it is upto one to decide which path he wants to take
more than anything else, it is important to prove & tell to urself who u r & who u want to be

Anurag said...

Hope u went to pub world!!