Sunday, June 24, 2007
Right to Know,Right to Question
If right from the childhood, pupils are encouraged rather than disperiated to question facts, theories, notions and customs, it develops a very healthy desire to know more, to explore more.
Firstly, they allow a pupil's mind to develop and to stray away from the banal thoughts and facts. They allow the mind to flourish, and the brain to develop. They allow students to be engaged, rather than being incurious during lectures. Secondly, it makes students more fit to come forth and speak his/her mind and takes away the uneasiness that is so common that it balks an individual's urge to speak up and is often difficult to aver oneself later on in life.
Thirdly, any student who is skeptical and ready to question, will learn better. It induces a sense of self interest, an urge to seek more, an urge to learn more. Parents and Teachers would no longer have to adjure their children/students to study. Fourthly, such acts of questioning by students would cease all sense of complacency with the teachers, would make any teacher prepare and research more than that what he or she would've normally been ready to. It would make teachers more prepared and hence the quality of teaching would improve drastically. A teacher who is ready to do more and dwell more and is knowledgable is more amiable and respected than a teacher who just dictates as written in the text.
More often than not, parents and teachers feel learning is about the grades and is about who comes first or second. But it isn't, learning is about becoming enlightened, while grades are important, it shouldn't be the driving force. And for the important steps such as learning, if you're not ready to question or ready to be inquisitive, then for what steps can you?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
No man is perfect, no man is complete either. So when Artists, whether in field of music, paintings or other forms of art perform or exhibit their artistic talents, one expect people to both criticize as well as appreciate it. For the opinion is in the eyes of the beholder. And those very eyes may visualize or may not visualize what the artist had expected to carry across. Any artist need to take both the positives and the negatives, weigh them and understand where they're coming from. And look into himself and his work to see whether there is any truth in these opinions. No man should blindly believe any take on his work.
Acclaim, is what all artist look for and stride for, but the true strength of any artist is when he can swallow his pride and read into it his critics and analyze his work and understand if in any way there is truth in those critical letters. So often, critics, who have no knowledge of the subject, no taste in art are allowed to write columns and reviews, that they're readily dismissed by the artist. And hence real critics are drowned out. Look at today's movies, even if how terribly a movie does, there is someone who still has found the movie to be 5 stars or an excellent movie. Too often the reserve has happened, when prominent sources have given thumps down to good works of art. The problem today is there are so many critics that, you're not sure who to listen to and who actually has some sense of artistic sense.
For this I suggest that artists should pick a set of critics, who he believes are, not always producing 5 or 4 stars, but are honest and have a good sense of art that he or she can truly trust or depend upon. For any artist is capable of improving his or her work, is surely able to see different views of point, and these sort of exercises in this direction are very helpful.
PS. Please do comment on all my articles as well
Monday, June 18, 2007
I mean when people say, when you other half is in town that you don't act yourself. I mean if you can't really act yourself in front of her, then who can you act yourself in front of. See one thing is clear in my mind, that of all the people, she comes first, she's the one I would mind going the extra mile and that she's the one who you want to go for. If I didn't feel any of this, what sort of a person can I be.. Yes, she's is much more important that anybody else.What is so difficult for people to understand this...
At the same time, I do reserve a lot of time for my friends, its a balance, and a balance that's tipped in her favor of course, but nevertheless a balance. And its not like she doesn't know how I'm, I don't have any secrets which she doesn't know. So when people say I will not touch beer or do my normal things when she's around. I laugh.. Laugh a lot...
For all people want to fall in love or have a girl, but they seem so against the idea of doing something extra for her or being there for her...Then why do you people bother to fall in love.. Step aside and just don't fall..or just shut it and let other people who're in love to let be...
The Word Disappointment
For a life of 22 years, there are have been a quiet a few of them and at the same time good times too of course. But for our human natures allow us only to remember more vividly the disappointments. For whatever reasons...
For me the biggest disappointment is when somebody close or near does something that you didn't expect them to do or act likewise. There have been so many instances of that, when I've seen acts which I couldn't comprehend for the love of god. These aren't big things, but a cluster of small things causes you to have a bad taste in your mouth. When you at the very same situation there were in would've acted so very differently, it makes you sometimes wonder, whether at the end of the day if you're alone in this world or at least the world that you think out to be. When people bicker or say petty things about money or about a small thing such a going an extra mile to drop you friend or about something else. It hurts and its sucks. Is this because I'm not able to see that I do the same thing I don't know. For I know that I wouldn't even think of the not dropping my friend just because I need to go an extra mile or some other bullshit like that..
Things like that stand out... And they stand out badly... When people doubt your judgment, when the very people that you call friends turn against you, when the people you're willing to do a lot for, start bickering and doubting you...Those emotions you never forget, at least I don't...And I don't why, but maybe its because, its from the people that you least expect to act like that and in the end they did...Oh well...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Doing the Right Thing
Today evening, I was out on Brigade Road, was about to head back home. Then I thought, why not go to the pub & have some beer and head back home. Then I thought I should curb on having beer, so I thought I would get to Corner House and have one of their delicious Ice Cream. But then I thought I should cut down on my ice cream. For nearly twenty minutes, I was in dilemma, I knew doing that I would regret it, but somehow the temptation was a bit too much. I didnt know what to do, whether to go to Corner House or go to Pub World or just head back home. Even though I knew that doing any of that wouldn't be good, I still wanted to. Even though I knew this, I still was in a dilemma. Luckily for me I decided against either and headed back home and wrote this blog..
But very often most of us dont do that. We do the wrong things even though we know we shouldn't. We always believe tomorrow will be the day when we set things set right, but never does tomorrow turn up. Its about now or never. And that is the Right Choice...You Hate it but you know its right...If you're able to listen to it, well and good...If you can't, try to once in a while, you'll be more happier, maybe not that moment but a later stage down the road
Saturday, June 09, 2007
US has been the most boring and ridiculously emptying day. I don't know, nowadays nothing seems to please me. I mean I feel empty, in the sense of trying to please myself. Whatever I do it doesn't please nowadays. No quite sure what I can do get rid of this feeling. I feel as though I should be doing more, better or even different things. Not quite sure what they're. For a few days I would think this what I need to do, but the following day I totally lose every conviction I had the day before. I don't know what or why this happens. Its stupid and more importantly more irritating. It is worrying, thinking of where you'll reach or if @ all you'll reach anywhere in life. For a few months of my life, I was totally into my work, totally motivated and totally out there to kick ass. But certain things have happened which have made things change and while I try to bring that conviction again I'm not able to. I think sometimes maybe Change would get rid of that, but that doesn't happen. I seem like someone who is stuck somewhere and not able to move on.
Is there something that I can do change my situation. Yes of course, its stating the obvious. yes you can always be anything you want to be, anyone you want to be, do whatever you want. Only thing that is restricting us is US itself and unfortunately in my case, its the same and thats the most difficult task in our lives, to get over the barrier that is US itself...
Hope I do that. There is always hope ofcourse